Thursday, January 2, 2014

30 Day Challenge

Speaking Positive: I will do it.

Another year has come and gone. And what did I have to show for? 2 blogs. Excuses or not. Its sad to say I haven't done anything I have wanted to do or accomplish in the last year. I can only hope I can change all of that this year.

How do I plan to do that? I don't know. Is this another new year resolution? Maybe, LoL. Like many people out there my I have made resolutions that I have never followed through. Though I would have to say that within the last year (and in continuation of my only two blog posted)...... mentally/spiritually/emotionally, I am in a better place that I have ever been in my life.
Thus I do believe I can now at least put more effort into my future endeavors.

I have tried to stay away from Pinterest, but with this new year I found myself downloading the app onto my cell phone and instantly addicted. Within the contents I saw a "30 Day Writing Challenge".
It was something I instantly wanted to do. THEN...yes then I found out there's a ton of variation on this! Some childish. Some didn't even seem worth it. Others boring. SOooo, my solution?

Mix. Match. Combine. Make up my own. Sound crazy?

I haven't worked out all the kinks yet, but it would go something along the lines like this:

- 30 day photo challenge
- 30 day blog challenge
- 30 day creative writing challenge
- 30 day exercise challenge
- 30 item bucket list challenge (things I would like to accomplish this year)
- 30 day DIY challenge (I love DIY's).

As I said, I haven't worked out all the kinks of it, but I know these will help me accomplish if not all at least some of my resolutions. I'll be happy to have tried then never attempt at all. I'll be 33 years old this upcoming May and I don't want to live another year gone by with empty dreams and goals.

I hope this inspires you to make your own list of resolutions, goals and challenges. I wish you luck in accomplishing all those things and I certainly do hope you share your success with me.

Here are some sites that may inspire you:

James Clear- Writers Challenge

Creative Writing Challenge-Tumblr

Epic Challenge- 30 days of fear

30 Day Fitness Challenge